Matins (Orthros) Music

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In the Russian tradition, Matins is traditionally served on Saturday evening as part of the All-Night Vigil. In the Byzantine and Southern-Slavic tradition, however, Matins (or Orthros) is served on Sunday Morning prior to the Divine Liturgy.

This site will feature mainly music from the Russian tradition, though we will include some other styles, such as Kuskokwim, Serbian, and Znamenny Chant as well.

God is the Lord

Obikhod – Tones 1-8

Kathisma Hymns


Evlogitaria (Blessed art Thou, O Lord)

Lenten Triodion - By the Waters of Babylon

Kiev Chant (from V. Krupistky)


Matins Antiphons

Matins Prokeimena & Let Every Breath

Gospel sequence

Having Beheld the Resurrection of Christ

Post Gospel Hymns

Lenten Triodion - Open to Me the Doors of Repentance

Magnificat (sung after the 8th ode of the Canon)

The Matins Canon

Holy is the Lord, our God

Resurrectional Exapostilaria

The Praises

Eleven Resurrectional Gospel Stichera of Leo the Wise
(Glory Verse at the Praises)

Obikhod Chant – complete set

Resurrectional Theotokion at the Praises (Tone 2)

The Great Doxology

Resurrectional Dismissal Troparia

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