Sheet Music for Divine Liturgy

Hierarchical Liturgy: Vesting Hymns

From the Rising of the Sun

Ton Despotin

Thou that Proclaimest Glad Tidings

Sung at the Primatial Hierarchical Liturgy

The Antiphons

Typical Antiphons

Slavonic Antiphons

Weekday Antiphons

The Weekday Antiphons | Greek Chant, Tone 2

Only-Begotten Son

Trisagion (Holy God)

Trisagion for Hierarchical Liturgy

In Place of the Trisagion

As Many as have been Baptized...


Before Thy Cross

Kontakion to the Theotokos

Steadfast Protectress of Christians…

Come, let us Worship


In 2009,Fr. Simeon went through the Rubrics book published at St. Tikhon’s Seminary press and set every Prokeimena listed for liturgies that year into one document using harmonies from the “London Sbornik.” He is in process of re-setting these texts into Kuskokwim Chant as well.


At the Gospel

Litany for the Catechumens

And Litanies for the Faithful

Cherubic Hymn

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

The Creed


Hymn to the Theotokos

Liturgy of St John Chrysostom (It is Truly Meet)

Liturgy of St Basil the Great (All of Creation Rejoices)

The Lord’s Prayer (Our Father)

One is Holy

Communion Hymns

Blessed is He that Comes...

Hymns while the Clergy Commune

Coming soon

Receive the Body of Christ

  1. Alaskan Chant
  2. Moscow Chant #1 (English & Slavonic)
  3. Moscow Chant #2 (English & Slavonic)
  4. Valaam Chant (English & Slavonic)
  5. Kiev Caves Chant
  6. Serbian Chant

We Have Seen the True Light

Blessed be the Name of the Lord

Psalm 33


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